Author Profile

Author Profile
Marilyn was born in the United Kingdom, she spent much of her early life living in various counties in the British Isles and abroad in Europe and the Far East. Her careers have spanned the British military, medic, naturalist guide in Alaska, wildlife illustrator and EMS instructor. She currently lives in America with her husband, whose support and help during the endless revisions was invaluable. Twilight Sojourn is her first novel and she is currently working on its sequel.
Shadow of the Black Mountain Book 1:
Twilight Sojourn
ISBN-13: 979-8676350178
Shadow of the Black Mountain Book 2:
Fateful Enchantment
- ISBN-10 : 1954779321
- ISBN-13 : 978-1954779327
Twilight Sojourn
Book One: The Shadow of Black Mountain
An intrepid warrior on a mission for the king. A beautiful woman lost in time. Will he try to keep her at his side, or help her return to her own world?
A fast-paced time travel adventure throws two unlikely people together. A woman, running from an unhappy life, slips into the turbulent time of 1081 where she meets the seasoned commander of a Welsh warband in the midst of a battle that has tipped the balance of power in Wales. They navigate the wilds of the Welsh mountains trying to escape an unexpected enemy.
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Marilyn’s Blog
September Post: The Vikings and Bjarke Strongarm
A small vignette: Bjarke Strongarm, a character from Twilight Sojourn. “Bjarke Strongarm was a seafaring trader, it was a steady,
August Monthly Post: Fare in a medieval manor
Imagination and historical facts is the recipe for a Time travel novel. I normally do extensive research on both the
June Blog: A Welsh journey
I have had lots of questions about why I chose Wales as the setting for my novel, instead of the
An Author’s journey, Singapore 1965
We had only been in Singapore for three weeks, the England we had left on a snowy December day seemed