
Comprehensive Packages

Package 1 — $3125

  • Formatting of Book’s Interior

    • Includes professionally designed interior
    • Artist designs book with a unique look to match your book’s theme
  • Publishing: 2 formats on Amazon

    • Choose 1: Paperback or Hardcover
    • Amazon Kindle ebook
    • Codes used are AZHC1, AZPB1, AZK1, ISHC1, ISPB1
  • Full cover design and multi-format cover design.  COV1 + COVMU1

  • Online Marketing Plan

    • Focused on direct sales
    • Strategies for social media
    • Podcasts
    • Categories and keywords
  • Emerald ISBN included

  • Consultation — 1/2 hour meeting in the beginning of the project and 1/2 hour finalization CON1

  • PDF checklist at the end of the project shows it is complete

Package 2 — $4625

  • Typesetting and Book Design of Book’s Interior

    • Includes professionally designed interior with up to 10 pictures
    • Artist designs book with a unique look to match your book’s theme
  • Publishing—2 formats on 2 platforms

    • Uses both Amazon and Ingram
    • Choose (1) Paperback or Hardcover
    • Amazon Kindle ebook

    Codes used are AZHC1, AZPB1, AZK1, ISHC1, ISPB1, ISEPUB1

  • Full cover design and multi-format cover design.  COV1 + COVMU1

  • Standard Marketing Plan with Publicity

    • Strategies for outreach to media
    • Strategies for making sales to bookstores and libraries
    • Guidance for acquiring reviews
    • Bookplates,  1-sheets, and graphic assets for advertising
  • Emerald ISBN included

  • Account Creation Assistance included ACCT1

  • Copyright and LCCN Registration included REG1

  • Consultation — 1/2 hour meeting in the beginning of the project and 1/2 hour finalization CON1

Package 3 — $6325

  • Typsetting and Full design of Book’s Interior

    • Includes professionally designed interior with up to 15 pictures
    • Artist designs book with a unique look to match your book’s theme
  • Publishing—3 formats on 2 platforms

    • Book set up for distribution to nationwide bookstores and retail outlets (Barnes & Noble, Target, Walmart)
    • Uses both Amazon and Ingram
    • Paperback
    • Hardcover
    • epub/Kindle

    Codes used are AZHC1, AZPB1, AZK1, ISHC1, ISPB1, ISEPUB1

  • Full cover design and multi-format cover design.  COV1 + COVMU1

  • Advanced Marketing and Publicity Guidance

    • Strategies for outreach to media
    • Strategies for making sales to bookstores and libraries
    • Guidance for acquiring reviews
    • Bookplates, 1-sheets, and graphic assets for advertising
    • Categories and Keywords
    • Collaborative individual guidance with seasoned book publicist
    • Individualized reseearch on bookstores and media outlets
  • All Emerald ISBNs included for each print edition

  • Account Creation Assistance included ACCT1

  • Copyright and LCCN Registration included REG1

  • Kindle Unlimited Free Promotion days KU2

  • A+ Content added to your Amazon Page A+AZ1

  • Consultation — 1 hour meeting in the beginning of the project and 1/2 hour finalization CON1

  • Category research and extra categories on Amazon books. KDPCAT

Editing Options for Each Package

FE1 Full Service Editing .08 per word
developmental editing | copyediting | proofreading
FE2 Corrections .05 per word
Includes copyediting and proofreading in 2 passes
PR1 Proofreading only .025 per word
FCT Fact Checking .06 per word
verification that every statement and citation is factual through independent research

Our pricing tables can only be viewed on a computer or tablet. Please revisit this page on your computer.

Editing Services

Service Description Price Deliverables Completion

Manuscript Review

Manuscript Review consists of an initial reading of the book with detailed feedback.
This is a creative conversation about the structure of the book and the overall impact of the project. You will receive a document of feedback on the work usually 2 to 3 pages long detailing the reader response to plot, character development, pace, and coherence. Review is an initial exploration of a writer’s work and a process of identification of the strengths of the book and where it needs work.
$1,500 for standard wordcount (less than 80,000)
  • document of detailed feedback and recommendations
  • An hour-long discussion about the recommendations
usually 3 weeks


 A working relationship between author and editor/coach. It consists of regular meetings to improve and change the manuscript. This is for authors interested in continuous feedback on a work in progress. This is the perfect way to examine the big themes of an author’s work and the overall structure of a book while still in the writing process. An author in the process of rewriting or redrafting a book can also benefit from the support and critical feedback of this process. $750 per month
  • half-hour meetings weekly to discuss new writing
  • Editor continuously reads new work and provides detailed feedback

Developmental Editing

Developmental edit is done at a very early stage. It may stem from a simple idea that the editor helps shape, or the editor may take a rough manuscript and suggest big changes in the structure or narrative. .05 per word
  • Commented manuscript
  • Style guide or character guide
  • Outline for non-fiction books
  • Structural changes
  • Evaluative feedback
Depends on length of manuscript

Line Editing / Copyediting

Copyediting means correcting errors, tightening sentences, and getting the book ready for publication. The copyeditor makes sure style is consistent and delivers a marked-up and commented Word document back to the author who can make their own corrections. Includes style guide unique to each book. .035 per word
  • Commented and marked-up word document delivered to author.
  • Style Guide
  • Author may make changes and finalize edits
Depends on length of manuscript


Proofreading occurs as part of the final production process. The laid-out PDF is marked for errors. PDFs can’t be directly edited, so significant rewrites should be structured under copyediting or developmental. The author receives a marked PDF and has the opportunity to mark their own changes. .025 per word
  • A marked PDF sent to author
  • Author submits their own corrections
  • changes are implemented into the production file
 usually less than 3 weeks.

Full Service

Developmental edit, copyediting, and proofreading combined into one seamless process .08  per word
  • Manuscript Review (with limited creative development), Line Editing and Proofreading
around 4 months

Full Edit — Corrections

Copyediting and proofreading combined into one seamless process .05 per word
  • Line editing and proofreading combined. Line editing is a reciprocal process. Proofreading occurs after layout.
  • This service is for a manuscript that feels complete and is relatively free of errors. Removing creative edits means the structure is set and the editing process is all about refinement.
around 4 months

Post-production Changes

All changes need to be in PDF markup.The author is responsible for new upload fees in addition to the costs listed here. $400 minimum + $200 per additional version. $125 per hour during edits.
  • The print PDF is changed according to PDF markup.
  • The print book is output a second time and replaces the original version.
2-3 weeks


We will consult with authors on any writing, editing, publishing or marketing matter. Authors can use this time for any purpose, from discussing story structure in a novel to setting up publishing accounts for production. Authors can pursue their own projects with support using consultation. $125 per hour
  • one on one zoom meeting with our editing and book design experts

Basic Requirements and Limitations

Frequently Asked Questions About Editing

I don’t need editing since I plan to get an agent.2024-09-21T10:14:41-07:00

This is kind of a cyclical thought pattern most authors engage in at one time or another. It’s sort of like, “well I don’t need a finished draft because once I have an agent and a book deal the publishing house will edit my book.” But the inverse cycle is also true, most agents and publishers won’t even consider taking on an author with no publishing record. The experience of most authors is to start small, publish short stories in journals and reviews, and then completely finish a novel and hire an editor to create a finished draft. This makes for an easy sell to a publishing house thinking of taking a risk on a new author, because the manuscript seems completely ready and therefore the entire venture seems less risky for the publisher. They are already taking a chance on a new author with no track record, so it is a huge step forward in this negotiation if the book seems like it has already been perfectly edited. It helps prospective publishers and agents who might take on new authors truly visualize the finished book. A professional reader for a publishing company working on acquisitions has an incredible workload, usually reviewing many novels every week. They are especially sensitive to cliche and imitation since they read so much. Every author has a gateway book that makes them want to start writing, but no acquisitions reader wants to read yet another Harry Potter rip-off. One of the best things a new author can do is join a writing group to workshop their story, get family and friends as early readers, and hire a professional editor for creative development as well as line edits to prepare for the professional submission process. A novel isn’t the best first project for a new writer, because it can set unreasonable expectations. Instead consider writing flash fiction (under 1000 words) and short stories (2500 words) and seeking publication in journals and magazines. There are magazines for every genre of writing no matter how niche and having your work published can be so validating as well as create the initial connections you need for a career as a writer.

Can I purchase proofreading by itself with no other services?2023-04-28T09:56:22-07:00

Proofreading is reserved for finalizing a manuscript that has already been laid out. A layout is set in PDF form and it isn’t directly editable. If you are working with a word document or still making significant changes to the manuscript then line editing or creative development is a better choice. If you have an existing layout from another provider, make sure you have the indesign package as well since you can’t edit a PDF. Proofreading is less expensive than line-editing because it represents “finalization.” It is usually one-directional. The editor finalizes the layout and sends it to the author. The author reviews the changes and can add their own using proofing marks. The layout is returned to the designer who implements everything. The classical editing experience of discussing things with an editor and making suggestions for changes is line editing. Proofreading is necessarily limited in order to finish the manuscript as it is. Editing processes have an order and you might think of building a house. Manuscript review and creative development are drawing up the blueprints. Line editing is building the walls and roof. Proofreading is painting. A manuscript might not be ready for proofreading just because of the state of the draft. A manuscript that needs a lot of work or needs a lot of help should be in line editing or creative development.

My Manuscript Has No Errors. Can I Publish Without Proofreading?2023-04-28T09:29:42-07:00

Every manuscript has errors. You can use any publishing service we offer without using an editing service, but just know that proofreading before publication is always cheaper and better than post-production changes.

My writing is perfect. I don’t need editing.2022-03-22T01:25:07-07:00

Everyone needs an editor. Everyone makes mistakes. If you think about it you probably have a few spelling errors that are habits you’ll never correct. For me, one of these is the word “instrument.” I almost always put the u before the r and then delete it. There is an important watershed for every author when they abandon the idea that their writing is perfect. It means turning away from your ego and starting the real work. Flattering yourself feels great and justifies the laziness every author feels when they want to avoid the hard work of writing. Walk away from your ego and you’ll always find the work rewarding. No book ever got good until the second draft.

What style guide do your editors use?2021-05-26T03:04:58-07:00

We use the Chicago Manual of Style. We allow for your own style and voice in our editing process, but the Chicago Manual is a great baseline. It’s something every writer should own. It’s easy to understand and easy to look things up.

Do I need an editor after I’ve finished my first draft?2021-05-26T03:01:30-07:00

You can employ an editor at any point in your writing process. A great rule of thumb is to always completely rewrite your book once you finish the first draft. This sounds like a lot of work at first but it can also feel incredibly freeing. Instead of facing the blank page, you are working with something that already has structure, tone and emotion. In our opinion, it is a waste to hire a professional editor when most of their work is absorbed fixing simple errors that could have been caught with spell check. Rewriting beyond the first draft means you are making your book the best it can be before it leaves your hands, and your editor can take it even further. A rewrite of your entire book is certainly a lengthy endeavor, but it’s a great opportunity to advance the manuscript before you send it to an editor. It can be really exciting to be swept away by your own novel!

Publishing Services

Amazon Publishing through KDP

Service Description Price Deliverables Completion


Amazon hardcover books are high quality and one of the most profitable forms of hardcover in the print-on-demand market. They are casewrap with beautiful full color images on the cover. $1,500
  • finished page layout for hardcover.
usually 1-2 months from the date of the final proofread.


Amazon paperbacks are high-quality and very profitable. Pages can be creme or white and covers can be glossy or matte. $1,500
  • full page layout for paperback.
1-2 months from finished proofread


Kindle is the most profitable form for your book, since the files cost only 50 cents to deliver and can sell for whatever price you choose. Kindle books can be enrolled in KU (Kindle Unlimited) which allows authors to use powerful promotional tools. $1,500
  • finished epub file uploaded to amazon
1-2 months from proofread

Cover Design

Every edition needs a cover. A cover design can be adapted to any format. This is a finished cover for one format. The process begins with an initial creative session via Zoom. The cover is created and there are two rounds of feedback and changes. Then the cover is finalized. Additional rounds of changes can be separately assessed as needed. $600
  • Initial creative session
  • Finished cover sized appropriately for your book
  • Two rounds of changes, through meetings
1-2 months from proofread

Multi Format Cover

adaptation of the cover for additional formats $150  per additional format
  • Other formats of the cover for additional editions
2 weeks

Cover adaptation

adaptation of an existing cover. Work from other designers must always be adapted to fit your finished book. This process is contingent on the quality and availability of the art files. We reject files of the wrong format or poor resolution. $150
  • Finished adapted cover to fit your project
2 weeks


Publishing through IngramSpark

Service Description Price Deliverables Completion


IngramSpark hardcovers take many different forms. Authors can make dust jackets too! IngramSpark offers many more sizes for hardcovers unavailable through Amazon. 1500 dollars
  • finished page layout for hardcover.
usually 1-2 months from the date of the final proofread.


IngramSpark paperbacks come in more sizes than Amazon. 1500 dollars
  • full page layout for paperback.
1-2 months from finished proofread


IngramSpark offers epub distribution which will send epub to every platform imaginable. 1500 dollars
  • finished epub file uploaded to amazon
1-2 months from proofread

Cover Design

Every edition needs a cover. A cover design can be adapted to any format. This is a finished cover for one format. The process begins with an initial creative session via Zoom. The cover is created and there are two rounds of feedback and changes. Then the cover is finalized. Additional rounds of changes can be separately assessed as needed. 600 dollars
  • Initial creative session
  • Finished cover sized appropriately for your book
  • Two rounds of changes, through meetings
1-2 months from proofread

Multi Format Cover

adaptation of the cover for additional formats 150 dollars per additional format
  • Other formats of the cover for additional editions
2 weeks

Cover adaptation

adaptation of an existing cover. Work from other designers must always be adapted to fit your finished book. This process is contingent on the quality and availability of the art files. We reject files of the wrong format or poor resolution. 150 dollars
  • Finished adapted cover to fit your project
2 weeks

Children’s Books

IngramSpark can be used to create children’s books and Amazon cannot, because the minimum page count for an Amazon book is 80 pages. 1500 dollars
  • finished children’s book
1-2 months


Frequently Asked Questions About Publishing

What if there are errors on Amazon after upload? Will you help with this?2024-09-04T09:05:16-07:00

Yes. We have seen every error or red flag presented by Amazon, and we have always succeeded in publishing.

I have learned I can set up and publish my own book for free. Why do I need your service?2023-04-28T09:47:49-07:00

Yes. If you are mildly computer-savvy you can set up publishing accounts on IngramSpark and Amazon KDP yourself. You can download a free program called Kindle Create to build resources for KDP, and you’ll find an online cover creator within the KDP interface. KDP allows you to upload a word document to use as your interior. KDP and IngramSpark also give away ISBNs for your use! There are so many ways to spend money when creating a book. If you find a path to save money on production and spend it on marketing instead that’s great! Using the automated tools within KDP result in books that are generic looking and most book stores won’t carry a book with an ISBN linked to Amazon. We are professional layout designers and cover artists and we can use available publishing tools to give you a finished product that is professionally designed. We advocate for authors deeply educating themselves before beginning any publishing or editing process. You can use our account support services to learn all there is to know about these tools and craft your budget accordingly.

I found a different publishing service I would like to use instead. Is that possible?2023-04-28T09:39:46-07:00

Sure, but it isn’t recommended. There are many publishing services out there that are just software overlays for IngramSpark and Amazon. We have found many that dazzle with low rates like “10% of royalties” only to discover that this percentage is on top of normal IngramSpark pricing. Amazon is the main online retailer in the world and Ingram is the main book distributor in the world. An alternative service is usually just a pass-through for using these two publishers.

Which Publishing Platform is the Best?2023-04-28T09:35:59-07:00

IngramSpark and Amazon have two different purposes. Amazon makes greater profit by selling directly to the customer. IngramSpark is the major distributor for bookstores. The best platform is to use both services at the same time so that your book is sent to bookstores and sold on Amazon. If you choose to only use IngramSpark it will generate an Amazon page, but the editions will be less profitable when purchased through Amazon.

Isn’t it possible to publish my own book by myself?2023-05-19T16:07:17-07:00

Absolutely! There are print on demand services that only require you to send a word document. Those services often have a “cover creator” wizard where it will automatically make a cover for you with your image and title. To start with an easy-to-use service, you might want to look at kindle create, which is a simple interface for making ebooks for kindle. Kindle Create is pretty much the same difficulty level as using word. We never try to hard-sell authors our services. We’re happy to point you in the right direction to publish your book yourself if you choose.  Just get in touch for a free 15 minute phone conversation.

Our services will give you a professional and artistic interior layout and cover of the highest quality and allow you to reach more readers on amazon and in bookstores across the country. If you want a finished, professional look for your book that will look good next to any novel from a big publishing house, you’ve come to the right place.

Account Set Up and Registration Services

Service Description Price Deliverables Completion

Copyright and LCCN Registration

We register your book for copyright and for a Library of Congress Control Number using our own accounts. The registrations are sent to you. 300 dollars
  • LCCN Registration
  • Copyright Registration
usually 3-5 weeks from date of registration.

Account Creation Assist

We help you create your own accounts for IngramSpark and Amazon KDP 200 dollars
  • we meet over zoom and help you set up your accounts

Registration Guidance

We show you how to do all registrations yourself and where to buy ISBNs. 200 dollars
  • we meet over zoom and help you learn how to register your book and buy ISBNs

Art & Design

Service Description Price Deliverables Completion
Unique maps, charts, and graphs


Graphic designer will create maps, charts, and graphs to supplement your book. From $250
  • full-color map, chart, or graph
within 3 weeks

ART1 (Black & White)

ART2 (Full Color)

Artist creates logo, drawing, or digital paintings to enhance book. Can be an add-on for a cover $200 (B&W)

$300 Color)

  • half-hour meetings to discuss vision
  • Sketches supplied in advance
  • Artwork delivered and integrated into book
within 3 weeks

Cover Design

Every edition needs a cover. A cover design can be adapted to any format. This is a finished cover for one format. The process begins with an initial creative session via Zoom. The cover is created and there are two rounds of feedback and changes. Then the cover is finalized. Additional rounds of changes can be separately assessed as needed. 900 dollars
  • Initial creative session
  • Finished cover sized appropriately for your book
  • Two rounds of changes, through meetings
1-2 months from proofread

Multi Format Cover

adaptation of the cover for additional formats 150 dollars per additional format
  • Other formats of the cover for additional editions
2 weeks

Cover adaptation

adaptation of an existing cover. Work from other designers must always be adapted to fit your finished book. This process is contingent on the quality and availability of the art files. We reject files of the wrong format or poor resolution. 150 dollars
  • Finished adapted cover to fit your project
2 weeks

Marketing Services

Work with a Marketing Specialist

We can refer you to an experienced marketing specialist who can craft a publicity campaign tailored to your goals. We can tailor your package to include different levels of marketing, or treat the marketing component as a separate element so that you can have a publicist working with you individually.

Advertisements and Tools

Service Description Price Deliverables Completion

Kirkus Review

A kirkus review is the best way to get the word out there about your book.  This price includes the cost of the review. 700 dollars
  • book submitted for review
usually 5 weeks from date of submission.

Foreword Review

Foreword is a great place for book reviews, and sets the industry standard. Price includes the cost of the review 700 dollars
  • book submitted for review
usually 5 weeks from submission

Print advertisement package

We prepare print ads for your book in Publisher’s Weekly, Library Journal, and other applicable publications. This price includes the cost of the advertisements. 5000 dollars
  • various ad packages in different magazines
ongoing ads.

Edelweiss Listing

Edelweiss is the main catalog used by booksellers. We submit the book to Edelweiss 600 dollars
  • book submitted to Edelweiss
  • Edelweiss returns an excel spreadsheet of every library and bookstore that downloads the book
6-month listing

Kindle Unlimited Campaign

Your book is enrolled in Kindle Unlimited so that the kindle version can be free for 5 days every 90 days. We coordinate promotions during the free days and manage the promotions. 1500 dollars
  • Book enrolled in 5 free days
  • Book sent for at least 5 promotional sites
5 days every ninety days

Assisted Kindle Unlimited Campaign

Your book is enrolled in Kindle Unlimited so that the kindle version can be free for 5 days every 90 days. You set up promotions and let us know what dates you would like to be free. This is a great resource for working with a marketing specialist, who can help you find promotional opportunities and set up a calendar. 150 dollars
  • Book enrolled in 5 free days
  • you coordinate promotions
5 days every ninety days

KDP Categories and

Amazon uses its own catalog system that is different from BISAC. We use our API to connect to Amazon and analyze categories and keywords. We create a list of new categories for your book and submit them to Amazon. Placing your book in more categories helps more readers find it. During the setup process, KDP allows you to choose only two categories but we can add up to ten. This is for Amazon books only. This can be used on an individual account or on the Emerald Books account. 250 dollars
  • Category research report on your book or series.
  • List of secret categories for your book
  • Implementation of categories
done at the time of publication

Book Pitch, Summary, and Back Cover copy

We write summary and sales copy for your book. This copy is used on the back cover and on the sales page for Ingram and Amazon books. We write compelling ad text that can be used in Amazon ads and other advertisements. 300 dollars
  • Back Cover Copy
  • Ad Copy
  • Summary Copy
usually done while editing but can be done separately.

Creative Resources

Service Description Price Deliverables Completion

Editorial Video Review

We write and record an editorial video review for your book. Video reviews are usually 1 to 2 minutes. The video is published to our YouTube channel and is available to share for promotional purposes. 500 dollars
  • finished edited video
1 month

Emerald Author Page

We create a web page advertising your book. Author pages are found at Author pages can be used in many ways for promotion and to interact with readers. 500 dollars
  • finished web page
1 month

A+ content

A+ content is used to create appealing graphics on an Amazon sales page. 300 dollars
  • graphics on Amazon page
  • Assistance adding images to Amazon account
2 weeks
What can I expect in terms of a return on my investment?2023-04-28T10:09:04-07:00

Creating a book is not an investment. Even large publishers expect to make 5,000 dollars for a successful book. We recommend every author go slowly and budget for a sustainable creative life. You could spend thousands of dollars on reviews and ads and end up with bad reviews for your book. Writing is still an artform and the best thing you can do is create the best book you can. Success looks different for different people and there are many strategies for reaching readers and presenting your book to the public, but there is no formula for success. Writing is a journey.

What should I spend on marketing?2023-04-28T10:02:46-07:00

There is no magic formula for marketing. There are incredibly effective things you can do for free, such as talking about your book on TikTok or Instagram. It’s always best to work with a consultant or other marketing professional to help you articulate your goals for the book. There is no guaranteed result with a formulaic input and output (like spend x expect y sales). For most authors, marketing is a decades-long process of connecting with readers and getting the word out about their work. You can sign up for the conference room at your local library and do a book signing for free. You could place a full-page ad in the New Yorker for 20,000 dollars. The most important thing is to make sure you feel confident in your chosen strategy. If you are uncomfortable with social media or find it difficult to use, then don’t use it. Mailing your book to bookstores and regional newspapers with a nice handwritten note can be much more effective than constantly tweeting, especially if you don’t like doing it.

Visit this page for an in-depth description of our process. 

Our process page will tell you everything you need to know about working with Emerald Books and can answer most of your questions about editing, design, production, and marketing.

Every design & publishing package includes work with a marketing professional and one-on-one consultation to give you the best possible book launch. Marketing services vary according to package.

*We review every manuscript to make sure our services are right for your project. We offer full editing services for every project.