How much should you pay to publish a book?
Reedsy is a powerful resource for anyone interested in writing, editing, or publishing. (Jessica has a profile for editing on Reedsy!) They do a global survey every year to establish average rates for editing and book design. Best of all, they organize all of their data into an easy-to-read infographic.
This chart shows the average price of getting your cover design and interior book design from a pro.
If you do some quick math, you can see that this average price comes out pretty close to our packages.

What’s the difference between publishing with Emerald Books and just doing it yourself?
So what’s the difference between working with us and just hiring your own professionals in the open market?
Well, no matter how good your designer is, you’ll still end up with a folder of files you might not know what to do with. And our packages offer 2 or even 3 layouts: paperback, Kindle, and hardcover. An epub (Kindle) must be coded in XML. And you’ll need at least some initial marketing help, which you’ll have to contract with a marketer. You can see how the initial figure you might have had in mind can quickly quadruple.
Emerald Books‘ services include EVERYTHING I just described: ebook, paperback, hardcover, marketing, and more.
When you look at it that way and flip through our publishing packages again, you’ll see the value of working with Emerald Books. It’s the same value you see in the chart below, where one professional bundles cover design and interior design to streamline the price. We have built a step-by-step process that can take you from manuscript all the way to publishing. By creating a larger, inclusive bundle, you can finish your book in multiple formats—and fast!!—and lay the groundwork for marketing in one price. Best of all, you don’t need to coordinate a bunch of professionals and juggle files you don’t know what to do with. You receive a beautiful finished book in multiple formats for one low price. Instead of having to work through the market and keep everything running, you can just focus on your writing.
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