Author Profile
Amy Gorder

Author Profile
Amy Gorder
Amy Gorder loves to share her fondness for spooky stories intertwined with gold rush history. She was born and raised in the Central Valley of California where ghosts of 1849 loom large. She lives in Elk Grove, California, along with her husband, Chris, and together they have four children and ten grandchildren. As a mother, grandmother, and former elementary school teacher, she has learned that nothing grabs a child’s attention faster than a spooky ghost adventure. And if history is learned along the way, all the better. Ghosts of Autumn is her first children’s book.
Illustrations from Ghosts of Autumn
The Elk Grove Hotel was once a booming place for the 49ers during the California Gold Rush. Now, it’s deserted and dilapidated and the city wants to tear it down to make way for a new golf course. Sneaking inside the ramshackle building, Amelia and her friends find an old poetry book containing clues. But clues to what? They set about solving them, not sure where the mystery will lead. When ghosts appear and lights flicker, it’s up to the friends to find out what’s really going on before the city council’s final vote. Join them on this fast-paced, sometimes scary, sometimes heart-warming adventure, as they unravel the mystery before it’s too late.
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